Dinner- Krimi– interaktive Verbrecherjagd zum Men. In unserem Serienbereich findet ihr die besten Serien aus den Genres Comedy, Zeichentrick, Drama und Crime bis hin zu Thriller - nat! Jugendschutz auf Clipfish. Wir nehmen das Thema Jugendschutz sehr ernst. Anwendung findet hier das Jugendschutzgrogramm Jus. Prog (kostenlos abrufbar auf Jugendschutzprogramm. Jus. Prog ist von der Kommission f. Die Funktionsweise von Jugendschutzprogrammen wird auf www. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Jugendschutzbeauftragte Daniela Hansjosten. KRIMI total DINNER Erleben Sie einen spannenden Kriminalfall kombiniert mit einem mörderisch guten Dinner in einem namhaften Hotel. Spielfilm, Fernsehfilm, Serie: ein abwechslungsreiches Spektrum vieler Genres mit bekannten Stars und prominenten Regisseuren, vom Klassiker bis zur Neuentdeckung.Top Serien aus den Genres Comedy, Zeichentrick, Drama und Crime bis hin zu Thriller With Harrison Ford, Raul Julia, Greta Scacchi, Brian Dennehy. Carolyn Polhemus, an up-and-comer in the Kindle County D.A.'s Office, is. 10 – 18 Uhr Kochen durch die Epochen. Wir bitten um Beachtung: Wegen Umbauarbeiten für die neue Dauerausstellung ist im Federseemuseum vorerst. In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Band 2, Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, Leipzig/Wien 1885–1892, S. Peter Koblank: Was versteht.
In response to the dramatic increase in cases of rhino poaching, WWF-SA has launched a national programme to strengthen rhino conservation efforts. Black rhino - Critically endangered species and beloved animals at risk - Pictures. For millennia, the snow leopard ruled the mountains of China, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, and Mongolia. It could scale steep slopes with ease, leap six times its body length and wrap its tail around its body to protect itself from the cold. In recent years, however, this powerful cat has become endangered due to several forms of conflict with its sole predator, humans. Animals that snow leopards traditionally hunt, like Argali sheep, are now also hunted by humans and, therefore, harder to come by. This has forced snow leopards to start killing livestock to survive, which has in turn caused local farmers to begin killing snow leopards to protect their livestock. These retaliatory killings, combined with habitat fragmentation and climate change, have diminished snow leopard populations to somewhere between 4,0. Rhinoceros - Wikipedia. A rhinoceros (, meaning . Two of these extant species are native to Africa and three to Southern Asia. Members of the rhinoceros family are characterized by their large size (they are some of the largest remaining megafauna, with all of the species able to reach one tonne or more in weight); as well as by an herbivorous diet; a thick protective skin, 1. They generally eat leafy material, although their ability to ferment food in their hindgut allows them to subsist on more fibrous plant matter, if necessary. Unlike other perissodactyls, the two African species of rhinoceros lack teeth at the front of their mouths, relying instead on their lips to pluck food. East Asia, specifically Vietnam, is the largest market for rhino horns. By weight, rhino horns cost as much as gold on the black market. People grind up the horns and then consume them believing the dust has therapeutic properties. The IUCN Red List identifies three of the species as critically endangered. Taxonomy and naming. BLACK RHINO AN ENDANGERED SPECIES. The name “rhino” conjures up the image of a prehistoric beast, a huge creature with skin of armor. This image is not surprising. BLACK-FOOTED FERRET AN ENDANGERED SPECIES. The rarest native mammal in the United States, the black-footed ferret is a short-legged, slender-bodied weasel. Photograph by Brent Stirton. In a café in Vietnam, a woman grinds a piece of rhino horn. By adding a little water and rubbing the horn over the dish's sandpaper-like. Solutions to rhino poaching - we look at three possible solutions before another African animal becomes extinct. The word rhinoceros is derived through Latin from the Ancient Greek: The word rhinoceros is derived through Latin from the Ancient Greek: . The plural in English is rhinoceros or rhinoceroses. Save The Rhino Vietnam AirlineThe collective noun for a group of rhinoceroses is crash or herd. The name has been in use since the 1. The living species fall into three categories. The two African species, the white rhinoceros and the black rhinoceros, belong to the tribe Dicerotini, which originated in the middle Miocene, about 1. The species diverged during the early Pliocene (about 5 million years ago). The main difference between black and white rhinos is the shape of their mouths – white rhinos have broad flat lips for grazing, whereas black rhinos have long pointed lips for eating foliage. There are two living Rhinocerotini species, the Indian rhinoceros and the Javan rhinoceros, which diverged from one another about 1. The Sumatran rhinoceros is the only surviving representative of the most primitive group, the Dicerorhinini, which emerged in the Miocene (about 2. Interspecific hybridisation of black and white rhinoceros has also been confirmed. However, chromosomal polymorphism might lead to varying chromosome counts. For instance, in a study there were three northern white rhinoceroses with 8. As of 2. 01. 3, the southern subspecies has a wild population of 2. However, the northern subspecies is critically endangered, with as few as three known individuals left in captivity. There is no conclusive explanation of the name white rhinoceros. A popular theory that . Established in 2010 as a response to the escalating rhino crisis in South Africa, StopRhinoPoaching.com is actively involved in the fight against rhino poaching and. Females weigh 1,6. The head- and- body length is 3. On its snout it has two horns. The front horn is larger than the other horn and averages 9. The white rhinoceros also has a prominent muscular hump that supports its relatively large head. The colour of this animal can range from yellowish brown to slate grey. Most of its body hair is found on the ear fringes and tail bristles, with the rest distributed rather sparsely over the rest of the body. White rhinos have the distinctive flat broad mouth that is used for grazing. This can be confusing, as the two species are not truly distinguishable by color. There are four subspecies of black rhino: South- central (Diceros bicornis minor), the most numerous, which once ranged from central Tanzania south through Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to northern and eastern South Africa; South- western (Diceros bicornis occidentalis) which are better adapted to the arid and semi- arid savannas of Namibia, southern Angola, western Botswana and western South Africa; East African (Diceros bicornis michaeli), primarily in Tanzania; and West African (Diceros bicornis longipes) which was declared extinct in November 2. Two horns on the skull are made of keratin with the larger front horn typically 5. Sometimes, a third smaller horn may develop. Since then, numbers have been steadily increasing at a continental level with numbers doubling to 4,8. Current numbers are however still 9. Its thick, silver- brown skin forms huge folds all over its body. Its upper legs and shoulders are covered in wart- like bumps, and it has very little body hair. Grown males are larger than females in the wild, weighing from 2,5. Shoulder height is 1. Females weigh about 1,9. The record- sized specimen was approximately 3,8. Indian rhinos once inhabited many areas ranging from Pakistan to Burma and maybe even parts of China. However, because of human influence, they now only exist in several protected areas of India (in Assam, West Bengal, and a few pairs in Uttar Pradesh) and Nepal, plus a few pairs in Lal Suhanra National Park in Pakistan. It is confined to the tall grasslands and forests in the foothills of the Himalayas. Two- thirds of the world's Indian rhinoceroses are now confined to the Kaziranga National Park situated in the Golaghat district of Assam, India. It is also the least known rhino species. Like the closely related, and larger, Indian rhinoceros, the Javan rhino has a single horn. Its hairless, hazy gray skin falls into folds into the shoulder, back, and rump, giving it an armored appearance. Its length reaches 3. Adults are variously reported to weigh 9. As of 2. 01. 5, only 5. Ujung Kulon National Park, Java, Indonesia. The last rhino in Vietnam was reportedly killed in 2. It can be found at very high altitudes in Borneo and Sumatra. Due to habitat loss and poaching, their numbers have declined and it has become the most threatened rhinoceros. About 2. 75 Sumatran rhinos are believed to remain. There are three subspecies of Sumatran rhinoceros: the Western Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Eastern Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrissoni) and the extinct Northern Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lasiotis). A mature rhino typically stands about 1. Like the African species, it has two horns; the larger is the front (2. Males have much larger horns than the females. Hair can range from dense (the densest hair in young calves) to sparse. The color of these rhinos is reddish brown. The body is short and has stubby legs. The lip is prehensile. Sumatran rhinoceros are on the verge of extinction due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting. Once they were spread across South- east Asia, but now they are confined to several parts of Indonesia and Malaysia due to reproductive isolation. It has been found through DNA comparison that the Sumatran rhinoceros is the most ancient extant rhinoceros, and related to the extinct Woolly Rhinoceros, Coelodonta. In 1. 99. 4 Alan Rabinowitz publicly denounced that governments, NGOs and other institutions were lacking in attempts to conserve the Sumatran rhinoceros. In order to conserve it, they would have to be relocated from small forests to breeding programs where their breeding success could be monitored. In order to boost reproduction, the Malaysian and Indonesian governments could also agree on exchanging the gametes of the Sumatran and (smaller) Bornean subspecies. There has also been a proposal by the Indonesian and Malaysian governments for a single management unit for these two ancient subspecies. Fossils of Hyrachyus eximus found in North America date to this period. This small hornless ancestor resembled a tapir or small horse more than a rhino. Three families, sometimes grouped together as the superfamily Rhinocerotoidea, evolved in the late Eocene, namely the Hyracodontidae, Amynodontidae and Rhinocerotidae. Hyracodontidae. Hyracodontidae, also known as 'running rhinos', showed adaptations for speed, and would have looked more like horses than modern rhinos. The smallest hyracodontids were dog- sized; the largest was Indricotherium, believed to be one of the largest land mammals that ever existed. The hornless Indricotherium was almost seven metres high, ten metres long, and weighed as much as 1. Like a giraffe, it ate leaves from trees. The hyracodontids spread across Eurasia from the mid- Eocene to early Miocene. Amynodontidae. The Amynodontidae, also known as . The amynodontids were hippopotamus- like in their ecology and appearance, inhabiting rivers and lakes, and sharing many of the same adaptations to aquatic life as hippos. Rhinocerotidae. The family of all modern rhinoceros, the Rhinocerotidae, first appeared in the Late Eocene in Eurasia. The earliest members of Rhinocerotidae were small and numerous; at least 2. Eurasia and North America until a wave of extinctions in the middle Oligocene wiped out most of the smaller species. However, several independent lineages survived. Menoceras, a pig- sized rhinoceros, had two horns side- by- side. The North American Teleoceras had short legs, a barrel chest and lived until about 5 million years ago. The last rhinos in the Americas became extinct during the Pliocene. Modern rhinos are thought to have begun dispersal from Asia during the Miocene. Two species survived the most recent period of glaciation and inhabited Europe as recently as 1. Elasmotherium. The woolly rhinoceros appeared in China around 1 million years ago and first arrived in Europe around 6. It reappeared 2. 00,0. Eventually it was hunted to extinction by early humans. Elasmotherium, also known as the giant rhinoceros, survived through the middle Pleistocene: it was two meters tall, five meters long and weighed around five tons, with a single enormous horn, hypsodont teeth and long legs for running. Of the extant rhinoceros species, the Sumatran rhino is the most archaic, first emerging more than 1. The Sumatran rhino was closely related to the woolly rhinoceros, but not to the other modern species. The Indian rhino and Javan rhino are closely related and form a more recent lineage of Asian rhino. The ancestors of early Indian and Javan rhino diverged 2–4 million years ago. The lineages containing the living species diverged by the early Pliocene (1. Diceros praecox, the likely ancestor of the black rhinoceros, appears in the fossil record. Young rhinos can however fall prey to big cats, crocodiles, wild dogs, and hyenas. Trainees’ Day Committee. Focusing on you, your training and your future career. 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Elected superior. Elected Tories, one like Fox, imbibing wine irregularly. Electees. Election data. Election Day no. Election day: Abbr. Election ending? Election extension. Election figs. Election figure: Abbr. Election goal. Election hanger- on? Election loser. Election losers. Election mo. Election news. Election night figs. Election night figure. Election night info. Election numbers: Abbr. Election platform. Election problem. Election quietly ousting leader in a tainted way. Election time: Abbr. Election times. Election winners. Election year events. Electioneer. Elective course? Elective surgery. Elective work by one of note when touring. Elector. Electoral map shade. Electoral system is stopping existing tit for tat. Electoral test. Electorate. Electra's brother. Electra's co- conspirator. Electra's daughter. Electric battery inventor. Electric bill listing. Electric cable. Electric cord's end. Electric current measurer. Electric current unit. Electric dart firer. Electric dart shooter. Electric device with term. Electric discharges. Electric eye, e. g. Electric fish. Electric flux symbol. Electric gauge. Electric guitar adjunct. Electric guitar attachmen. Electric guitar hookup. Electric guitar model, fa. Electric guitar need. Electric horns. Electric light option. Electric meter inventor ? It's a close shave. Electrician on a film set. Electrician's alloy. Electrician's concern. Electrician's favorite ro. Electrician's hookup. Electrician's need. Electrician's unit. Electrician, at times. Electricians. Electricians, at times. Electricity carrier. Electricity in stable. Electricity or water: Abb. Electricity path. Electricity pioneer Amp. Electricity pioneer Volta. Electricity source. Electrified atom. Electrified particle. Electrified particles. Honolulu Museum of Art. The Silk Road Through Art. Grades: 5- 1. 2Tour length: 1. Location: 9. 00 S Beretania Street. Days: Tuesday – Friday. SilkRoad HR Talent Management sotfware -- Talent Activation that delivers the apps, analytics, & experiences to empower HR teams. Guide On How To Access The Silk Road 3.0 on Silk Road Drugs . Now you can: Welcome to Silk Road. Antiviral; Art; The Best Restaurant in New York;. Gawker Review of Books; Sausage; Slowgawker; Sony Hack; One Man. Times: 9 + 1. 0: 3. Group Size: 6. 0 maximum. Fee: FREE For the 2. July 1, 2. 01. 7. HOW TO PREPARE FOR YOUR TOUR. Click here for more information. On this diverse tour students will closely examine art and artifacts from Europe, Central Asia, and Asia to learn how goods, technologies, religions, and ideas were traded. Students will role play as they discover who traveled the Silk Road and why travelers made this dangerous journey. The Museum’s collection of Silk Road treasures include exotic textiles, ceramics, jade, stone sculptures and sacred cave paintings that tell a long story of cultural exchange. By looking at diverse artifacts like carpets, architectural details, furniture and luxury objects, students will understand the route that radically changed the ancient world. Artwork on this tour. Ghandaran, from Taxila or Swat, Pakistan. Gift of Cobey Black in memory of Brigadier General Edwin F. Edgarnumbers is selling these 2C-B "blue bees" tablets. Price: 1.15 bitcoins ($10) per tablet. Silk Road cuts down on scams with a reputation-based trading system. Silk Road, Cotton Road or. Indo-Chinese Trade in Pre-European Times Author(s): Stephen F. Dale Source: Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 1, Expanding Frontiers in. The Silk Road is as iconic in world history as the Colossus of Rhodes or the Suez Canal. But what was it, exactly? It conjures up a hazy image of a caravan of camels. NEWS 'Doctor Strange' Review: A Bit of 'Iron Man' Plus a Bunch of Magic Equals Another Hit for Marvel. As in The Man in the High Castle by. In "Parallel Universe" the crew meet alternative versions. They go to another dimension or universe through a. Creepy Tales Of Interdimensional Travel. Creepy. Shannon Dell. May 5, 2. 01. 4Since its official proposal in 1. Hugh Everett III, the idea of parallel universes has boggled the minds of scientists, philosophers, bloggers, and average folk alike. The Man From Another Dimension KirbyPerhaps we’re just a sliver of time away from an alternate existence, or perhaps regular people we pass on the street are beings from another universe that have already mastered the art of dimensional travel. Quantum physics aside, our only information about these alternate realities comes from the tales of people who claim they found dimensional slips and traveled to unfathomable worlds. The Man From Taured.
On a seemingly normal day in 1. Tokyo, but upon landing at the Tokyo International Airport, his seemingly normal trip had taken a very drastic turn for the weird. When he handed over his passport to be stamped, the man was immediately interrogated as to the whereabouts of his origins. It wasn’t a case of racial profiling: While his passport looked authentic, it listed a country no one had ever heard of called Taured. The mystery man claimed his country was located between France and Spain, but when he was asked to point it out on a map, he pointed to the Principality of Andorra. Insisting he had never heard of Andorra and that Taured had existed for 1,0. Japan on business, something he had been doing for the past five years. His passport seemed to back up his story, as it was covered in previous customs and visa stamps, and he carried with him legal currency from several European countries. He even had a driver’s license issued by the mysterious country and a checkbook containing checks from an unknown bank. After more interrogation and confusion for both parties, the traveler was sent to a nearby hotel until an official decision could be reached. There, two immigration officials stood outside the hotel door until morning. It was then that they discovered the mystery man had vanished without a trace, which was troubling, since the only possible exit was a window with no ledge 1. The Tokyo police department conducted an extensive search but continually came up empty- handed. Hopefully, if he really was from a parallel Earth, he was able to find a way back to the comforts of his home in Taured. Get more otherworldly stories just like these with Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact at Amazon. What If The Beatles Never Broke Up? While many have attempted to recreate the famous stylings of The Beatles, none have been able to match Fab Four’s unique vibe that made them so revolutionary. But you don’t have to feel bad if you missed out on the ’6. John Lennon and George Harrison never died and the group is still making music. A man who has adopted the pseudonym of James Richards claims he was chasing his dog through Del Puerto Canyon in California on September 9, 2. Upon waking up, he found himself in a room next to an unrecognizable machine with a man who introduced himself as Jonas. According to the strange man, while on a work- related trip for a dimensional travel agency, he had used the machine to transport the unconscious Richards to a parallel Earth in order to help him. Of course, the logical thing to do in this situation was to start discussing pop culture, which led Jonas and Richards to the topic of The Beatles, a band both dimensions shared. To Richards’s surprise, in this alternate dimension, The Beatles were all alive and still creating music. Richards brought back a souvenir cassette tape entitled Everyday Chemistry that was composed of Beatles songs never released in our dimension, which he helpfully uploaded to his website. Ong’s Hat. Ong’s Hat, New Jersey was founded sometime in the 1. Ong after he threw his hat up in the air and lost it to a tree branch. Who knows?) By the 1. Ong’s Hat wasn’t forgotten. On the contrary, the abandoned town became the topic for one of the earliest Internet- based conspiracy theories. During the 1. 97. Two chaos scientists named Frank and Althea Dobbs developed a theory that consciousness could be modeled as its own universe, and if one could master one’s own “mind map,” the ability to control the chaos and possibly travel to other dimensions would be achieved. According to a long- debunked hoax pamphlet, three other chaos scientists joined the Dobbses in founding the underground Institute of Chaos Studies in Ong’s Hat, New Jersey. It was here that they discovered the “gate” to alternate dimensions by putting scientists in a modified sensory deprivation chamber called “the egg.” Allegedly, they succeeded and mastered the science of interdimensional travel. On their explorations, they discovered a world that never developed human life but sustained plant life and water, which is where the chaos scientists were said to reside ever since. Carol Chase Mc. Elheney. In 2. 00. 6, as Carol Chase Mc. Elheney was driving from Perris, California back to her home in San Bernardino, she claims she decided to stop in her hometown of Riverside. It didn’t take long, however, for Carol to realize she wasn’t in the right town, although its geographical location was correct. She claims she couldn’t find her childhood home or those of other family members. In fact, she didn’t recognize any of the houses, even though all the numbers were still correct. Even the cemetery where her grandparents were buried was just a fenced lot full of overgrown weeds. Was she simply in the wrong town? This would be a strong theory had she not found some landmarks that were familiar, such as the college and middle school. However, her relief in finding something recognizable was short- lived, as she soon noticed the eerie vibe surrounding the Riverside residents who were walking around. She soon left, afraid to approach any of these sinister beings. Carol believes she had stumbled upon a parallel dimension, in which Riverside was a much darker place. Her story can’t be confirmed because when she returned to Riverside a few years later for her father’s funeral, it had reverted back to the town she knew as a child. She never encountered the alternate dimension Riverside again. Lerina Garcia. In July 2. Lerina Garcia woke up in her bed on what seemed to like an ordinary day. However, as she went on with her normal routine, she claims she found small details that seemed peculiar. For example, her sheets and pajamas were different from what she remembered wearing to bed. She resolved to brush off this curiosity and drove to her place of work, where she had been employed for 2. However, upon arriving at her department, she realized it wasn’t actually her department, despite being in its usual location on its usual floor. Having decided that something weird was definitely going on, she returned home only to find the man from whom she says she had separated six months before, who acted like the separation had never taken place. Her new lover, whom she claimed she had been seeing for four months, was nowhere to be found. Even after hiring a private detective, his whereabouts remained unknown. There was no trace of him at his alleged residence nor any trace of his family. While it seems more likely that Garcia’s perceptions are the result of some neurological malfunction, she believes she woke up in a parallel universe. Unfortunately for the alleged dimensional traveler, Garcia has not been able to return to her normal universe, leaving her stuck in a dimension where she doesn’t belong with a boyfriend she can’t get rid of. Pedro Oliva Ramirez. At around 1. 1: 0. PM on November 9, 1. Pedro Oliva Ramirez claims he was driving from Seville, Spain to the town of Alcala de Guadaira. Being no stranger to this trek, it came as a shock when he allegedly went around a curve and found himself driving on an unfamiliar, straight, six- lane highway. He was surrounded by foreign structures and bizarre terrain. He felt a sensation of heat while a chorus of voices rang out in the distance. One voice stood out among the others, telling him that he had just been teleported to another dimension. The cars around him, which passed at intervals of exactly eight minutes, were outdated and either white or beige with dark, narrow rectangles for license plates. After about an hour of confused driving, Ramirez found a turnoff to his left, where signs stood pointing to Alcabala, Malaga, and Seville. Ramirez began driving toward Seville, but when he stopped, he was astonished to find he was looking at his home in Alcala de Guadaira. When he retraced his steps, he could not locate the crossroads, the road sign, or the six- lane highway again. Gadianton Canyon. In May 1. 97. 2, four girls were allegedly driving back to Southern Utah University after spending their Saturday at a rodeo in Pioche. While crossing the desolate Utah- Nevada state line at around 1. PM, they came upon a fork in the highway, where they veered to the left and began driving through Gadianton Canyon. Suddenly, the black pavement turned to white cement. Believing they had simply taken a wrong turn, the girls headed back the way they came, but to their surprise, they were suddenly driving past grain fields and ponderosa pines with no desert in sight. They decided to stop at a roadside tavern to ask for directions but quickly changed their minds after one of the girls began screaming hysterically. Four egg- shaped vehicles mounted on tricycle wheels with bright lights shining from the top of them began speeding after them. The petrified girls sped back through the canyon as the white cement changed back to its normal black asphalt, leading them into the familiar desert. After wrecking in a creek, leaving them with three flat tires, they waited until morning to hike to Highway 5. As outlandish as their story seemed, the tire tracks they left are difficult to explain. The only tire tracks left by the girls’ Chevy ended abruptly only 2. The car was also missing a hubcap that was never located. Maybe it got lost somewhere in the Utah desert, or maybe it’s being displayed at a museum on the parallel Earth. A few minutes with .. Photo: Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press)Buy Photo. Leon Keer spent much of last week crouched on the floor of the former Compuware Building in downtown Detroit, measuring and painting and tweaking. That guy has got to be so sore today. Keer, 4. 5, of the Netherlands, was invited to the One Campus Martius Building, as it's now called, to paint a giant mural. But it's not just any giant mural. Using mathematics and lines and a precise talent with a brush, Keer paints murals that look like you could fall right into them. His three- dimensional artwork has been featured around the world. He took a break last week to stretch and speak with me for a few minutes. Leon, you've painted all over the word. How did we get you to come to Detroit? They saw, probably, my pictures on the Internet. And then invited me over to come here and make some 3. D art. So it wasn't my idea, like, . Because there is some economical things happening here and a lot of opportunities. How did you learn your craft? I've been a street art performer for like 2. Painting on canvas, making installations - - a lot of experience in years, with murals. I did all the painting for Coca- Cola, Heineken, the bigger brands. So you learn your way with it, with a kind of nervousness, all kind of pains. You've been able to make a living out of it. Are you the wealthiest man in Holland? No. When did you start, and when you're done how many hours will you have put into it? I started off Monday evening. And then Tuesday started with painting. So now it's Thursday, three days of painting. And probably today or tomorrow morning, finished. How many hours in all do you think you will have put in? I mostly work 1. 0 hours, 1. Wow. Is your back killing you? No, only at night. Don't you get sore? No, it's OK. I'm in a kind of phase when I'm working, so I don't feel any muscle ache. What does it feel like when you're working? What do you get out of it? Never thought about it. I think it's the only thing I can do. And trying to think about mathematical stuff. I try to evolve my brain in that matter. Just to keep it awake. There's a lot of mathematics involved in 3. D painting, right? Yeah. It's a kind of - - how do you call it? I never knew what I should do with it but –Here we are! Yeah, here we are. You're doing this live. Your work is being seen, evaluated, photographed, people are talking to you. What kind of reaction are you getting from folks? Most of them are very enthusiastic, not all of them. They ask questions about the technique and what it is supposed to be. Buy Photo (Photo: Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press)Does that make you feel good when people react with amazement? I try to not focus too much on their attention. Because if you get a lot of pats on your shoulder, you might think, . For me, it's about focusing on my own artwork, and being the best critic for myself. I see lots of Legos, superheros, references to videogames in your work. And not just in this work but in some other things I've seen online. What's that all about? For me, it's kind of a recognizable theme that reminds me of - - a little bit - - youth. I want to bring a kind of vision in life. Also, to watch the spectators, that they have to think about their youth more .. Are you commenting on anything? Sometimes, yeah. But it's always a kind of humoristic way. It's not like I'm pointing the finger, . Anything else you want to say to the people of Detroit? Well, I just want to invite them .. And I want to see a lot of photos on the Internet with this piece. Contact Jim Schaefer: 3. Follow him on Twitter: @Detroit. Reporter. Read or Share this story: http: //on. Fragen und Antworten f? Ungeschriebene Cacherregeln. Trading, der Tauschhandel – was geh. Hierbei sollte diese Seite sehr gut helfen k. AUs meiner Sicht auch sehr f. Tiergerechte Zwerghamsterbehausung Zwerghamster sind sehr bewegungsfreudige Tiere. Freilebende Hamster legen jede Nacht mehrere Kilometer auf der Futtersuche zurück. Das Motto von Livona ist einfach: es geht um wohlfühlen und genießen, auf natürliche Art. Wir schreiben über Themen aus dem Bio-Alltag und testen Bio-Produkte. Auf der anderen Seite ist das Gras viel grüner ein Film von Pepe Danquart mit Jessica Schwarz, Felix Klare. Inhaltsangabe: Die etwas verplante Kati (Jessica Schwarz. Willkommen beim Packpapier Verlag! Bei uns findet Ihr Bücher, Poster, Buttons und Aufkleber zu folgenden Themen: Ökologie & Umweltschutz, Naturkost & Landwirtschaft. Er will ja schliesslich cachen gehen – d. Caches finden sich z. B. Meist findet sich sogar in Fu. Der Geocacher packt dann seine sieben Sachen und zieht los – immer auf den Richtungspfeil und die Entfernungsangabe zum Ziel seines GPS achtend, in welches er die Koordinaten eingegeben hat (siehe Foto rechts: Cachesuche in der Wahner Heide). Das eigentliche Ziel ist aber meist gar nicht der Inhalt (Erl. Seine gewagte Erstbesteigung mit Eispickel, Sherpa (f. Die Positionsangaben in L. Als Mélanie mit 15 schwanger wird, ist ihr Freund Maxime nach dem ersten Schock dafür, das Baby zu behalten. Denn wer weiß, vielleicht wird er. Spielkarten sind bedruckte rechteckige Kartonstücke, oder seltener auch Plastikstücke in handlichem Format, die auf der Vorderseite (Avers) mit Bildern, Wertangaben. Jens: Bild b898 ist das Beste! Ellis-Frauchen von Licia;): das ist ja klasse, dass der (das) nette ältere Herr(chen) Wolfgang so mit der Lillifee. Tipp: Einfach in Google Maps oder Google Earth reinkopieren). Es ist also eine Art moderne elektronische Schnitzeljagd oder Schatzsuche – sehr oft auch . Es ist aber auch ein Outdoor- Sport, der es je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad – die ist bei jeder Cache- Beschreibung angegeben – wirklich in sich haben kann! Die meisten Caches taugen aber in der Tat f! Jeder, der einen Cache aufsucht und etwas daraus tauschen m. Achja, nachdem man das kleine Logbuch im Cache selbst mit einem Eintrag versehen hat (Datum, (Nick- )Name, was man heraus genommen und was man hinein getan hat) kann man dies nat. Dort stehen auch die verschiedenen Cache- Arten gut erkl. Mai 2. 00. 0 – zwei Tage nachdem Bill Clinton bekanntgab, dass die k. Tja, und dann schlug ein Mann namens Dave Ulmer in einer Newsgroup f. Damit nahm alles – wie von ihm vorausgesehen, seinen Anfang. Sein kurz darauf platzierter Cache wurde . Garmin e. Trex oder Magellan Explorist 1. Alternativ kann man seinen PDA (=Personal Digital Assistant = eine Art elektronischer Kalender), falls vorhanden, mit einer so genannten . Achtung, auf ebay sind die Ger. Ich selbst cache zur Zeit . Auf der Cache- Beschreibung findet Ihr direkt . In der Regel ist der Cache aber schon im Link eingef. Anmerkung: Bitte nehmt die Warnungen ernst, am Anfang untersch. In den Bergen wird dies schnell kritisch, wie ein Log- Eintrag von vom Cacher Mud- Max zeigt. Suchen GPS gerade vor sich halten und in Richtung des Pfeiles in der Kompassdarstellung gehen. Bleibe auf den Wegen bis kurz vor dem Cache (siehe Entfernungsangabe). Das GPS wird dann allm. Der Cache steckt oft in einer Tupperdose oder olivgr? Falls nicht, Plastikt. Wenn man dort mit seinem Account (kostet nichts) eingelogt ist, erscheint oben rechts ein gr. Dort kann man dem Cache- Leger (. Registrierung ist kostenlos!). Nachteile: Hier muss man beachten, dass das System zur Zeit noch keine UND- Verkn. Auch macht man versehentlich schnell Eingaben in den reinen US- Feldern. Ganz davon zu schweigen, dass man Englisch k. Sucht man Caches an seinen Heimatkoordinaten, sollte man auf geocaching. My Account gehen – dort besteht rechts oben die M. Voraussetzung ist, dass man seine Heimatkoordinaten eingegeben hat (siehe Link darunter: . Dies geht aber leider nur, wenn man Premium- Status hat (Stand 2. Euro im Jahr). Google Maps in Verbindung mit geocaching. Eine elegante, wenn auch langsame M. Zoomt und verschiebt Euch den gew. Diesen Link dann als Lesezeichen speichern und fertig. Ich nutze das immer. Anmerkung: Es k. Allerdings befinden sich in dieser deutschen Datenbank nicht alle Caches, d. Beide zeigen (glaube ich) jedoch nicht wirklich alle Caches an. Nightcaches. Hier gibt es etwas ganz Feines: Man kann sich f? Alles in Allem: Cool Stuff !!! Was brauche ich zum Geocachen? Ich selbst habe mir mittlerweile – wie wohl viele andere K. Also einen alten Rucksack mit meiner K! Lokalpresse Friedrichshafen am Bodensee. SIRF- III Chipsatz)Robust und wasserdicht sein (standard!)Normale Akkus nutzen (Mignon / AA, zwei Satz mit 2. Ah bieten sich an) und m. Zielsuche nach Eingabe von Grad und Entfernung. Firmwareupdates. Anschlussm. Aber Ihr wollt es nicht mehr missen, wenn Ihr es einmal bei einem anderen Cacher gesehen habt oder auf der falschen Seite eine Flusses unterwegs ward. Heute gibt es kaum noch GPS ohne Kartendarstellung. Es gibt teure, zu kaufenden Vektorkarten (Topo v. B., ca. 1. 60 Euro), aber meist werden die kostenlosen Open Street Map (OSM) Karten genutzt, die jeder aus dem Internet laden kann. Naturt. Statistisch wahrscheinlicher ist aber dass Ihr – w. Im Winter bleibt man i. R. Gegen die seltener vorkommende, durch Zecken . Bayern erforderlich). Gegen das Borreliosebakterium nicht. Dieses kann aber bei rechtzeitigem Erkennen durch Antibiotika behandelt werden Einen Zeckenstich bemerkt man i. R. Ein Zeckenrest kann man sp. Je schneller die Zecke raus ist, desto unwahrscheinlicher wird dies! Bei Hunden sind die Zecken oftmals schon gr. Der Mensch entdeckt sie aber meist, wenn sie noch recht klein sind – und da gibt es das Problem, dass man sie schlecht damit fassen lassen. Es passiert das Gleiche, wie wenn man die Zecke zu fest packt: Man quetscht den K. Zecke abfackeln und in den M. Verpasst man dies und es handelt sich tats. Zecke Borrelien in sich tr. Ich verstehe das mal so: Bei jedem Zeckenstich (in NRW) betr. Die Informationen sind fachlich deshalb vielleicht nicht v. Deshalb: Professionelle Infos gibt es z. B. Aber wenn man bei einem Nightcache pl. Dies geht bei 9. 9% aller Caches zumindest bis zu den letzten 5. Metern! Bleibt solange darauf, bis der Richtungspfeil orthogonal (quer) zur Marschrichtung liegt und schlagt Euch dann in die B. Nur der wahre Depp folgt blindlings seinem GPS- Pfeil. Insbesondere Vorsicht bei Landschafts- / Naturschutzgebieten, dort ist es in der Regel sogar verboten, die Wege zu verlassen. Hier ist der Cache- Owner auch in der Verantwortung bzgl. Legen und Beschreiben des Caches. Tauschgegenst. Meiner Ansicht nach schadet allerdings es nicht, wenn man diese kleinen bunten Dinger sozusagen . Auch darauf achten, dass die Fotos nichts ? Bitte achtet immer auf einen fairen Tausch. Bild) oder nicht mehr funktionierende Dinge. Andernfalls verleidet es Nachfolgern den Spass und es nimmtallgemein die Bereitschaft ab, Dinge, welche die Suche lohnen, zu hinterlassen. Es ist dann schlicht ein wenig frustrierend, insbesondere wenn man einige Anstrengungen unternommen hat, den Cache zu heben. In einem Cache sollte man folgende Dinge niemals reintun: Alles, was Kinder nicht bekommen sollten (z. B. Feuerwerk, Feuerzeuge, jugendgef. Wer kennt ihn nicht, den reisenden Gartenzwerg aus dem Film ? Travelbugs (TB’s ) sind Gegenst. Jeder TB hat eine eigene . Der Besitzer kann durch Ver. Automatisch werden dabei . Jeder TB hat so seine W. De Rode Kader mit den Haustieren der Besitzer fotografiert werden. Deshalb habe ich ihn in meinem Aquarium versenkt, bevor ich ihn in einem Travelbug Hotel (Cache in der direkten N. Der erste Geocoin wurde von Moun. Bike gemacht und platziert. Ansonsten sind die verschiedenen Cachetypen hier auf Wikipedia sehr gut erkl! Es gibt die Initiative Cache- In- Trash- Out (CITO) Dabei nimmt man eine Plastikt. Handschuhe mit, um auf dem Weg zum und vom Cache M. Vor Ort verliert man dann unglaublich viel Zeit und strapaziert die Geduld der Mitcachenden durch: Koordinatenprobleme? Anfahrt zum Cache? Oftmals startet ein Cache nur mit der Angabe von L. Klickt man dann auf die Satelitenansicht, kann man schnell erkennen, wo man parken kann. Von den drei grundlegenden Formaten f. Wenn Ihr Koordinaten unterwegs per PDA umrechnen m. Zweimal hatte ich auch einen netten Effekt (d. Da zeigte mein GPS ein Cachegebiet von ca. Brombeergestr. Ein anderes Mal wies mein damaliges Garmin e. Trex auf einen falschen und katastrophalerweise auch noch schier unerreichbaren Baum: Zur Wahl stand ein mannshohes, ca. Brombeergestr. Der Cache lag recht einfach zu erreichen ca. GPS zeigte etwas anderes. Das dauert 1. 5- 3. Minuten und ist wichtig, damit das Ger. Fast jeder Kompass verf. Ganz einfach: Kompass vor’s Auge halten und . Dabei den Spiegel zu Hilfe nehmen. Paralaxe (Verschiebung durch schr. Ich selbst habe aber einen mit einer 6. Strichzahl dann also noch mit 5,6. Bei Eurem GPS gibt es sicherlich ein Men. Dort muss sich auch ein Punkt . Dies ist nichts weiter als eine alternative Ortbestimmung zu den sonst verwendeten Nord- Ost- Koordinatenangaben. Man sollte das einmal zum Hause . Da muss man dann kreativ sein und absch. Hier helfen dann kleine Software- Tools auf einem mitgebrachten PDA weiter, z. B. Diese solltet Ihr Euch als allererstes durchlesen. Ein guter Rat: Macht es f. Legt diese dabei wegen der Koordinatenermittlung am besten r! Das ist dann der sogenannte . Bei der Planung vermeidet bitte bl. Macht es andererseits aber auch nicht zu kompliziert, denn Ihr wollt ja auch zahlreiche Logs haben. Ganz wichtig: ! Ein im Winter ausgelegter Cache, der im Sommer im Brennnesselmeer oder Brombeerenverhau verschwindet, wird im besten Falle freudlose Logs nach sich ziehen. Meine pers. Zecke mit der (wenn nicht rechtzeitig mit Antibiotika behandelt) unheilbaren Borreliose infiziert und tr. Hat man ein modernes GPS (z. B. 1. 5m nach links oder rechts und dann zur. Dort verharrt man ein paar Sekunden, bis das GPS nicht mehr nachl. Dies wiederholt man dann einige Male und n. Hilfreich ist es vielleicht, wenn man dazu das . Zum Schluss mittelt man dann . Auch sind sie sehr gut f. Diese haben auch eine umlaufende Gummidichtung, sollten aufgrund ihrer wei. Manche ersteigern sich auch gerne Munitionskisten auf ebay, da diese schon so sch. Muggles ob des Anblicks schnell nerv. Das ist so ziemlich das Beste, was man bieten kann. Feuchtigkeit kann da allerdings nicht mehr entweichen (Regenlogger aufgepasst!), deswegen legt der umsichtige Cacheleger sogar noch ein S. Kein Witz, es werden oft auch die f. Ein weiterer Nachteil: Die Cacher bringen nach einigen Wochen oftmals die Tauschgegenst. Um Muggels zu erleuchten, sollte man einen Hinweiszettel (. Hierzu habe ich eine viersprachige Vorlage entworfen (die mit anderen Cachern im gr. Dabei sollte jeder Geocacher zum Cachen einen M. Eigentlich sollte man das immer tun, aber wenn ich mir so angucke, was z. B. 9. 9% aller Caches, die von mehr als 5 Leuten gefunden wurden, findet sich nach und nach immer mehr M. Sicherlich ist der Weg das Ziel, aber einige schie. Einen kleinen Werkzeugkasten gegen eine . Auf der anderen Seite ist das Gras viel gr. Doch irgendwann nagt der Alltagsstress an ihrer Beziehung und als Kati den unglaublich gutaussehenden, charmanten K. Kati erwacht eines Morgens in der Vergangenheit, genau einen Tag bevor sie Felix kennenlernen wird. 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The persons, animals, or things previously mentioned: personal pronoun in the third person plural: they is the nominative form, them the objective, theirs the. See: (not) half the person/man/woman (one) used to be (one) can hardly believe his or her eyes (one) can scarcely believe his or her eyes (one) can't win for losing. See 3 authoritative translations of They in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. They dictionary definition . Used to refer to the ones previously mentioned or implied. Usage Problem Used to refer to the one previously mentioned or implied, especially as a substitute for generic he: Every person has rights under the law, but they don't always know them. Usage Note: The use of the third- person plural pronoun they with an antecedent that is a singular noun or pronoun is attested as early as 1. Thackeray, for example, wrote in Vanity Fair in 1. A person can't help their birth,” and more recent writers such as George Bernard Shaw and Anne Morrow Lindbergh have also used this construction, in sentences such as “To do a person in means to kill them,” and “When you love someone you do not love them all the time.” The practice is widespread and can be found in newspapers, magazines, and other edited publications. The usage is so common in speech that it generally passes unnoticed. Most of the Usage Panel still upholds this practice but in decreasing numbers. In our 1. 99. 6 survey, 8. A person at that level should not have to keep track of the hours they put in. By 2. 00. 8, however, only 6. Panel still held this view, with 3. Moreover, in 2. 00. Panel accepted the use of they with antecedents such as anyone and everyone, pronouns that are grammatically singular but carry a plural meaning. They Call Us MonstersSome 5. 6 percent accepted the sentence If anyone calls, tell them I can't come to the phone, and 5. Everyone returned to their seats. The trend then is clear. Writers who feel they are overturning convention by using they with a singular antecedent should bear in mind that much of their audience may not care, and with time this population is almost certain to grow. See Usage Notes at anyone, he. Word History: Incredible as it may seem, the English pronoun they is not a native English pronoun. They comes from Old Norse and is a classic example of the profound impact of that language on English: because pronouns are among the most basic elements of a language, it is rare for them to be replaced by borrowings from foreign sources. The Old Norse pronouns their, theira, theim worked their way south from the Danelaw, the region governed by the Old Norse–speaking invaders of England, and first appeared in English about 1. Old English words h& imacron; e, h& imacron; ora, him. The nominative or subject case (modern English they) seems to have spread first. William Caxton, who brought the printing press to England, uses they, hir, hem in his earlier printed works (after 1. This is clear evidence of the spread of these Norse forms southward, since Caxton did not speak northern English natively (he was born in Westminster). The native English plural him or hem may well survive, at least colloquially, in modern English ’em, as in “Give ’em back!”. Las luces del cielo nunca cambian o eso pensaban. Have a suggestion, idea, or comment? Send us your feedback. Compound Forms/Forme composte: Inglese: Italiano: as good as they come expr expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for. She may be a scientist by trade, but her take on social issues like feminism and healthcare have people calling her clueless. Get into the drama surrounding new Miss. |